
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Titles Are Hard-Bonus Post!

My goal was one post a week. That didn't happen, so I've given all you adoring fans a bonus post, because I love you for reading about my life rants.

I have officially been back at campus for a week now. That means back to the community bathrooms, back to the cafeteria food, and back to classes. For those who don't know I am a Marketing and Advertising double major with a concentration in leadership. I really didn't have any rhyme or reason for picking these degrees other than I knew I have absolutely no clue what I want to be doing in 4 years and both of these degrees sounded promising and had careers that I could see myself in.

After just two days back at classes I was feeling run down and out of energy. I was drinking coffee by the gallon and no nap would give my mind the break it so desperately needed. I thought maybe I was just adjusting to life back in Des Moines, but after talking to a friend I realized it was something much different. I wasn't happy with my classes, or at least not all of them. When I went to classes I'm excited about and look forward to it was easy to get out of bed. But I spent hours dreading to go to other classes, cough cough, accounting. So I made the decision to refocus what my interests are. I don't want to work in a cubicle, I'm not a fan of 9-5 workdays. I want excitement and challenges in my future. I don't want to be stuck in power suits for the rest of my life.

We spend the first 18 years of our lives being told what classes to take, what to wear, how to act. Not anymore. Life is in the hand of the beholder.

College is really cool because you can be like "This class sucks, its not what I want to do with the rest of my life and I dread going to it everyday" and then you can drop it. Just like that. Sure, maybe you need that class for a major or something but you can take it over the summer, next semester, or with a community college. Who knows, you might not even be the same major in six months. You do not have to feel miserable for 13 weeks because of one class. You can use that time to focus on other classes, ones you truly enjoy. If you like math you can take another calc course, don't stress about the foundations of art. You wanna take principles of advertising? Well then who says you need to take accounting right this very moment? Use your time at college to find your interests, your calling, then you pick a major. This is a time where you get to figure out what you want to do with your life, not what your parents want you to do with your life, not what your friends want you to do with your life, what you want to do. So don't stress the small stuff. History class will still be there next semester, but your life is now. Take this time to immerse yourself in something other than the classes you've been taking the past 12 years of your life. Find your passions, chase your dreams. Your life is out there, now go find it.

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